Our Radiologist

20 Years Caring For You

Our Radiologist

Dr. Sanjay Agarwal MB;BS, MRCS, FRCR, EBIR

Dr. Agarwal is a full time consultant Radiologist with special interest in Uro-radiology and Interventional Radiology in the NHS. He is the lead for both speciality in his department. Dr. Agarwal has extensive experience in the Uro-radiological imaging and in particular Multiparametric MRI of prostate. He has participated in NCRN & MRC funded national trials in prostate imaging like INDEX and PROMIS.


  • Royal College of Radiologists
  • European Society of Radiology
  • European Society of Uro-Genital radiology
  • British Society of Interventional radiology
  • Cardiovascular and Interventional radiological Society of Europe

“The Journey to find a cure begins with a simple step”

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